Boardwalk Rewards

Boardwalk Rewards

How do I earn Boardwalk Rewards loyalty dollars?
Every booking you make earns 8% towards future booking after your stay. It is that simple. You can use all or part of your rewards dollars toward your next booking.
Special limited time offer - When you refer a new guest to Boardwalk Lodge and they book with us they earn the 8% rewards and earn that same 8%!  
How much do I earn?
Boardwalk Rewards members earn 8% back on all qualifying bookings. Rewards are not earned on taxes, gift cards, merchandise or apparel. See our terms and conditions for the complete details.
Remember for a limited time... refer a new guest and they get their 8% and you get the same 8% as a thank you!
How do I join the Boardwalk Rewards loyalty program?
Simply process a booking and come for a visit. Once you check out your account will automatically be enrolled and will earn 8% back on that booking, which is immediately eligible to be used toward your next reservation.
For the limited time offer, please be sure to email us the details of your referral booking so we can load up your account with the 8% rewards!
Are there limitations on earning rewards?
Boardwalk Rewards are not earned on taxes, gift cards, merchandise or apparel.Any booking, or portion of a booking, made with Rewards points will not earn rewards on that portion.
Where can I earn rewards?
You can earn 8% back in rewards every time you book with Boardwalk Lodge. Bookings can be made online and over the phone (1-907-204-8832) reservation agents.
How are my loyalty rewards tracked?
We use the email address you provide to us when placing your order to track your Boardwalk Lodge Rewards loyalty dollars. Please use the same email address each time you make a reservation.
How can I see my Boardwalk Rewards balance?
Call 1-907-204-8832 to speak with a reservation agent over the phone to get your rewards balance.
Do my Boardwalk Rewards expire?
Book with us a minimum of once within a 16 month period to keep your rewards dollars from expiring. After 16 months of no reservations activity your rewards will expire and will not be able to be redeemed or transferred.
Can I transfer my rewards to another person?
Yes! Rewards can be transferred or "gifted" to a person of your choice. Please contact us for details and understand that an email may be required to confirm that you are "gifting" the rewards. 
Are members of Boardwalk's travel agent programs eligible to earn loyalty rewards?
Yes! You get 8% back for every booking, after the travel agent discount. However, the rewards are available to either the guest or the travel agent, but not both. Please contact us for how you would like to have the arrangement set up. For a limited time, the referral program for new guests and booking can be applied to both the guest and the travel agent to collect the 8% reward. 
Who do I contact with questions about my rewards account, balance, or general questions?
Please contact Boardwalk Lodge at 1-907-204-8832 for questions and support.
Can I cash in my Boardwalk Rewards dollars?
We do not offer cash back for Boardwalk Rewards dollars. 
What if I make a booking and then have to delay it or cancel it, will I lose my rewards dollars? 
Yes, you are eligible for rewards dollars only on booking you actually realize.
Boardwalk Rewards Promise.
If you visited the lodge in the past 12 months and did not get rewards applied to your account we will honor that past reservation.You must contact our reservation team to request your Rewards. Please note that due to the nature of guest bookings only the email making the booking will automatically get credited. However, every guest has the right to the 8% Boardwalk Rewards, but we can not apply the same rewards to two accounts. For a limited time if you are returning to Boardwalk Lodge from more than 12 months ago we will review the details and look to honor your last booking with 8% rewards.
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Alaska's Boardwalk Lodge 1 Cook's Cove Thorne Bay, AK 99919

Monday - Friday :
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM



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